MUSE pt.5( Final)

      She was finally one person down to Eric's heart, or so she thought,that was his mom, everything was well on its way to perfection.
       She invited him for dinner, she was gonna make him Ekpangkukwo( An Ibibio meal) and probably whip up jug of smoothie for them both as dessert. Should she pull up a silly stunt or Just be prim and proper, she'd let that happen naturally. She slowly removed the perm rods from her mass of hair, finger loosed and shook her hair as if shaking off a bad thought and let the curls bounce slightly below her shoulder.
      Dinner was a blast, they almost shared a kiss, that is before She,Eric's mom came back and rudely interrupted.
      She was thinking of letting his mom off her evil hook,when...
      She coughed all too loud for even her own self to believe, could it be her asthma attack, she felt herself slowly blank out.
      She woke up in a hospital; tubes,machines and, drips covered the length of her. No one had come in to visit her yet, not even Jame her other lover.
      She was getting better, at least following her progress charts. She was due out next week Friday, she had missed what freedom tasted like.
      She went home alone, she wasn't picked up from the hospital either, fumes like rings gathered almost visibly around her nose. She got home and changed into somewhat decent clothes, she headed over to Eric's, she at least deserved closure.
      She got there just in time to watch his mom leave, she had him all to herself now, she double checked her gun in between her Jean and underwear. She stepped in ready to throw a fist at him, but he was all too charming for that.
      So instead they sat and had tea. All the while she was planning how to exude her anger. She stood up and swayed her hips, seductively of course and led him to the balcony in bid for them to enjoy the view. As soon as he turned to face the beautiful view his balcony led to, she shot him 3 times in the head,he fell dead, she wrote a short note that read " we're finally together hun", shot herself and lay on his chest.
      Everyone stared at them in terror and amusement. Eric's reverse tale of him and Mae's love was sure to let them pick the vacation spot among their friends this year.
      He kissed Mae, held her hand and they went out for some real lunch.
      The story telling had been on for about 4 hours and 30 minutes.


  1. Wait...wait...what just happened?! Hahaha!! I didn't see this coming...

  2. Bae! U there already#claps#I couldn't sleep so I went through all I've missed on the blog,guess what now it's the best I've seen.Coco!


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