Heart of Stone

We've all had our unfair share of heart breaks; the now or former little pieces of your heart shattered all about. But what concerns me is what you did after that... Did you use the temporal glue of revenge on your Ex to rush into something else while unhealed or did you use inferior materials of love to pump your heart back up.
Yes my heart has been broken before; while I was 16 and I feel you judging and questioning me, it was real,maybe not as deep as I understand love to  be now; but I'd rather be with him talking about how the sun shines perfectly and making videos of us brushing our teeth. It was not till after this I understood why parents urge their offsprings to wait till they are old enough, not that age makes your heart resistant to heart break but then you're well aware of the damaging effects.
I know I wasn't a trophy girlfriend back then as all that bothered me was my next shortbread moment; but he was lax too. When I fall in love it's intense; anyways he left me for some girl that he paraded as a friend till she started cooking for him and was on his dp whenever we quarelled. Now as much I sulked and hurt for quite a while and he was seemingly happy; I didn't immediately go out and get someone else, I took out time to heal and invest in self-knowledge, expanded and deepened my talents and purpose. I spread out the little pieces of my heart,my broken heart, in all I had now come to love.
What you do right after a break-up is almost as important as your top priority If not more important; rather than indulge in self-pity and sulk, go through your healing process for as long as is necessary and let the little pieces of your broken heart spread out and grow your multi-faceted purpose.


  1. Very true....rushing into another relationship cos of revenge or the want of validation from someone else will cause even more damage. You were pretty wise for a 16 year old...

  2. You hit the nail right in the head! Our quest for revenge pushes us beyond limits that sometimes we realize a little too late, thing is we only hurt ourselves more without even being aware of this fact. Healing is divine , and peace of mind is dear!

    1. Revenge pushes us to paths yet known; but like you said, healing is divine.

  3. This here post, is why I read. Thank U Keren. This is honest and educative too.

  4. That's so true...continue the good work

  5. Wow! This was priceless. Almost felt like I was reading my own words. I connect with this completely Dearie. Love is what it is... Could be wrapped in pink with a sweet ribbon on it or could be wrapped in the dark beads of deceit, betrayal and heartbreaks. The important thing is healing and trusting that Cupid has something great for you.


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