It's gonna get extremely hard,
It's gonna feel like the weight of the whole world is upon you, the pressure would become unbearable from all ends, you'd slowly retreat to the point where you want to give up, it'd seem like all is against you, and then you often wonder if you'd go through life alone, then there'd be all these suicidal thoughts maybe some of you get flashes of it, while I'm sure some others dwell on it for long, feelings of Inadequacy kick in, it's like nothing ever goes well with you, your motivation may be at level zero, and you feel you're having a bad life.
But come on it really can't be all bad stuff, i know you can't think up any right now but what if you make up your own kind of happiness, after all there isn't any justified happiness standard, right? So you could reduce your expectations for the now but do not compromise or settle for less, make your visions plain and joy in what you have and where you are now, it could only get better, just make sure your mind is programmed on the right things.
