Excuse My Title

So you know let's rid of titles for just a nano second, how much regard and respect would you still offer said people; if your boss happened to just be some regular lowly paid staff at your firm; your mom, a member of your church; your siblings, neighbors who always hang at your place; your significant other, just an otherworldly person you wish was yours; your friends, really cool colleagues? See not nearly as much if you are being honest. I feel like titles make us hide under a camoflague of loyalty and love, this doesn't mean you don't love them as much, it just means by the power of titles, it has been bestowed upon you the necessity to offer up a certain amount of regard and love to said persons.

     All I'm saying? Let go of titles and maybe try to really appreciate people before the suffix they may or may not be enjoying was placed on them; so let's put in the effort to get to know our bosses beyond rigorous meetings, know your friends beyond the perfect selfie moment, know your parents beyond their annoying errands, know your siblings beyond them being daily pains in the ass and most importantly know yourself beyond whatever stage your job and life let you perform on a daily. Excuse the titles...
    And while we are still at excusing titles, let's live up to ours and beyond; you know like go hard for anything your name is attached to as a staff, be a friend you'd be proud to have if places were switched, actually be your brother's keeper and love them cos you want to not have to, and mingle with your colleagues outside deadlines and work stuff.

I'd go now, till my heart meets my pen again!
