MUSE pt.2

     She checked to see that all her paintings of Eric were complete, twenty of them, she smirked to herself.
      She did every last one of her suit and then coat buttons,shined her shoe one more time and headed for the door, she got an invitation for an interview in his firm.
       She hardly winked of sleep last night, all her gusto intact. She just had a sip of strong black coffee and dashed out, the Interview went great she should be called upon in about two weeks.
        Eric woke with a terrible headache,he wouldn't be in the office today and made sure to delegate the interview to his Vice and the board.
        He'd been getting negative vibes from the company's newest employee, Mae Orji, she'd been bringing him routine coffee for weeks unend, grocery shopping every weekend; it was all too much for him to handle.
      Mae finally made her move on Eric's girl, she was in the emergency unit of a specialist hospital; One broken leg, a couple stitches on her head, her right hand already amputated. She was in pretty bad shape, a negative of herself.
      Eric hadn't got the news yet.
      Mae crossed off Mira( Eric's girl), from her hit list. She washed her hands for blood stains, took a hot bath and lazily settled into bed, she had a long weekend of planning to do.
      Meanwhile, Eric got to the hospital half-interested and sat in the waiting room to be attended to.
      A condolence message was being sent to Mira's family...
      Mae just couldn't get herself to sleep, she had downed some aspirin tablets.
       Her emotions had gotten the better of her, she rolled onto one side of the bed, got a pen knife from her side drawer and began to tug at her skin,mutilating it every way she could, the pain and the blood satisfied her all too deeply.
       She got a bandage,wrapped both her now damaged hands and went downstairs for some coffee and more aspirin, she stared out the window and saw something or maybe someone crawl on her  grass. Maybe that intern boy from work, she waved the thought aside.
       It's probably nothing,she pressed her thumb against her forehead and climbed back to her room, she slept and gripped her gun...


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