If I ever had a conversation with society and mother nature, it would probably go something like this
S/MN: Hi there
Me: Hi
S/MN: So what's your name?
Me: * begins to talk*
S/MN : Never mind we don't even care let's see your possessions; you know like your account balance and your designer wears.
Me: My account is in deficit and I  just have two handfuls of designer wears.
S/MN: That's a Pathetic life *sigh*
Me: But I've got a lot of interesting things going on, like I've been uncovering my life plans  and I think I'm really talented.
S/MN: * yawns* you're such a bore.
Me: But do I really need to look good to be accepted?
S/MN: Sweetie notice how we're barely looking at you? You're wearing clothes that are two seasons back, and your shoes forget it.
Me: *tears and paces about*
S/MN: Oh common douche, you don't have to be seen you know, do the background work for the elite or something prestigious like that.
Me: But I have so much in me that the world needs to see.
S/MN: We are really just here to push you to the brink of inadequacy, we really don't care.
Me: So, shouldn't I at least just try.
S/MN: Do whatever makes you sleep better.
BOTTOM LINE: Society only cafes what you've achieved and how much possession you've acquired, not necessarily what goes on in your head or heart; so she tries as much as possible to filter all your positive energy and let you feed on leftovers but you can and should fight the odds!


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