Mom's sad, Emem is hardly fine, IB was lost, Eno was torn, I'm barely pulling through and Benita still misses your Spaghetti Bolognaise. You left us when we needed you the most to let us know that Ekere was in a better place and you'd never let affliction rise upon us a second time,,, remember the last time you were in Lagos and you took us to a hotel room and told us how much you loved our Mom?, We miss you DAD every vein in my heart is weak from emotional shed. Eno got his dream Job I'm sure you know, IB is well on his way to stardom he's going strong because of you and Emem is fighting the odds and well me I wish I had you here to edit and proof read my first book that's due on my birthday this year. If not for any other thing DAD, you are our HERO, how you sacrificed for friends and family, your selfless life forever guides us  and how you urged us never to let go of GOD,priceless!. I miss the memory I would have had when you hung out with I and Emem's Husband's. You were not perfect but you were all we needed and we're forever grateful to have been yours. You are a major part of our hard work and the reason behind all of our present and future successes. Make sure your party in heaven is Lit and tell Ekere to cook Ekpangkukwo specially for you.
        From your Princess for the Eno-Hanson's


  1. Honey imiss you .you left and did not see our dreams actualised together.see You on resurrection morning.

  2. Your mum is a great woman, Eno is strangely awesome. I couldn't agree more on IB(PayBac), he is one amongst many; And it takes a beautiful soul to put these beautiful words together. It's all in the genes i see.

    Makes me wonder what an amazing man your dad was. May his soul rest in peace.


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