The Thing You Took From Me

Today I cried about you
I didn’t plan to
I didn’t mean to
I didn’t want to
Heck! My alter ego was embarrassed

But yes, I cried.
Heavy salty tears laden with the weight of my hurt fell from my eyes like nectar from honeysuckle.
I felt my ribs clamp down on my heart as I said the words that I had been afraid to even think.
But part of being human is getting caught in a lie every so often and after being caught comes the onus to find truth.

I was in denial for a fraction of eternity because I so desperately wanted to believe that you left me unscathed.
If only.
You walked away with the piece of me that was finally choosing to trust;
The piece of me that was learning not to place a steep price on vulnerability.
But now you are a stranger 
I would call you “someone I used to know” but I am uncertain I ever knew you.
Yet your knowledge of me transcends that of some the people dearest to my heart;
I hope you see how this can be disconcerting.

Today I cried about you;
Today I cried about the thing you took from me.
